Friday, April 20, 2012


Where to start...? It seems like there is so much going on, if I try to remember it all, I'll be on the computer for days!
Nina, my cousin, has been with me for the past 2 weeks and it has been WONDERFUL! Such a joy for me to share a piece of my heart with her this way. of course, the children and teachers love her and she has adapted to the lifestyle without any problems. Praise God that she was able to come! Please pray for her as she returns home next week and has only 2 days to recover from jet-lag before life continues on for her!
As for me, I am fine. Have been to 4 doctors for my toes, none of which are sure of what exactly the problem is. I am currently at the best hospital in Chiang Mai which has taken lab samples of my skin and seems more confident that they will be able to treat me. However, when you get the best care, it costs a lot of money. Already, I had spent over $200 on traveling to the hospital, examinations, and medicine. The bill at this hospital was for an additional $100. Praise the Lord for a new friend I have made, another young missionary woman, who paid the bill for me. We have only met a few days ago, but already have become good friends. I am SO grateful for her friendship and encouragement and honestly, and this act of kindness was overwhelming. God is too good to me! After all's been said and done, with traveling, hotel, food, and medical bills, I had to pay almost 500 USD which is a serious dent in my pocket. Money is such a small thing compared to my big God, I am not even worried about it! He has provided everything for me and I know this is where I am supposed to be. Please pray that God touches the hearts of people who love the Karen and want to support God's ministry through me here.
The VBS ended yesterday. Only a few kids from Shekinah and Pastor Jimmy's were able to come, but many village kids heard the singing and came to join us. Dozens were there by the end which is SO wonderful because their village, YaKwaDee, is all Buddhist. Also, an older brother of one of our kids, LerGay (age 17), came and asked me if I could teach him more about the Bible. I told him about our VBS and after the first day, he called his friend, Luckatoo (age 20), and told him he had to come and learn hear the Bible teaching. Luckatoo came with Buddhist strings on both wrists, but after one week of hearing the teaching, he said he felt God changing his heart and cut off the strings. Now VBS is finished and they both asked to stay longer to learn more! Such an amazing thing to see God draw people to Himself! It is their summer holiday, and they want to stay at a children's home and study instead of stay at home with friends and family. Keep these two in your prayers-- I believe God has great things planned for them!
2 weeks ago, in Chiang Mai, God brought a thought that I had been mulling over in February, but dismissed, back to the forefront of my brain. I want to be at Shekinah Children's home for Christmas. All week long, I could not get the idea out of my head. The more I prayed about it, the more it seemed like the only actual option. These people are my family. If I can bring them joy, my sweat, blood, and tears are worth it. I find myself calling Shekinah "home" without even thinking about it. It really does feel like home this time. I cannot even imagine going back to the U.S. now. I am starting to pick up the language more and understand the culture so much more. God has brought me here, and I know there is so much more for me to do, see, and learn here before I go.
Yesterday, I went in the kitchen to help sift through the bags of rice and remove any stones or rotten rice. After we were finished, I got the broom and swept the floor. This would seem like no big deal to us-- but for the Karen to have an English person "humble themselves" and do this was shocking to them! One boy said, "You are not like an English girl!" Another took a picture of me. I wanted to scream "I am not an English girl! I did not come to live with the Karen people for them to serve me! I came to serve them!" Nothing brings me greater joy than when they smile and me and say "You are not GawLohWa (white person), you are PohKanYoh (Karen)."
I am so overjoyed to be here. Even though I often go to bed exhausted, God wakes me up with His peace everyday. Seeing the smiles on the children's faces when we play or the teachers when we tease each other... there is nothing greater. I am so honored to be loved by these people. I am so humbled for God to allow me to be known by them. If God asked me to give my life to save one of their's, I would do so willingly.
Please pray that God touches the hearts of people who are meant to partner with me in this journey!
Please pray for the medical bills and insurance to be sorted out!
Please pray for NeeLehOo, a ten year old boy extremely sick with Malaria-- it's been more than a week, which can be deadly out here!!
Please pray for LerGay and Luckatoo that their hearts and minds remain open to God and His plan for them.

To God be the Glory!
God bless!
Kelsey- a bondslave of Christ

1 comment:

  1. love to hear how God is working through you! I love you so much kelsey and will be praying <3
