Thursday, April 7, 2011

Prayer Requests

We head back to the camps in the morning so I'm not sure when/if I'll have internet access again so I will try to give you many prayer requests to keep you occupied if I cannot keep you updated.

First of all, pray for safety. The Thai soldiers have been coming and capturing Karen people who don't have IDs. If they take them back to Burma, there is a high chance they will be killed. Some of the helpers at the camp don't have IDs. They are very afraid. Pray that the Karen people are able to live in peace. They've already been driven out of their homes and have lived in fear for so long. Now they come to a safe place only to find they once again have to guard their every step. It is heartbreaking to watch.

Second, pray for health. There is an outbreak of chicken pox at my camp and another one currently. Nothing serious, but unpleasant for the children. Also, since the people are refugees, when they get sick, they cannot get medical aid unless a Thai citizen takes them (like we've done on this trip).

Thirdly, pray for income. The Karen people have no money. They cannot work because they do not have ID, so they cannot buy clothes, food, blankets, etc. That said, there is a great need for many items. Some things I have noticed are CLOTHES CLOTHES CLOTHES. At my camp most people, adult and children, have about 3 shirts and 2-3 bottoms. Therefore they wear through very quickly. Most of the clothes these children wear have holes in them and are covered in dirt. We can only hand wash here (no running water) so once something is stained, it stays that way. The kids do not complain, but you should see the look on their faces when they get new clothes. :)
Another need is potholders. Everything is cooked over little fire pits and they use old towels or shirts to lift these very big, awkward, and very hot metal pots. I've seen the people cooking burn their hands so much, I couldn't take it and went to a nearby village and bought 2 of the thickest towels I could find. It is amazing to think how something as simple as potholders could help them so much.
Medicine is a need also. Like I said, they cannot receive medical care, so the Karen only survive off of what we are able to send them.
English books. EVERYONE wants to learn English but they have only a few, often incorrect, brief books. They ask me to teach them grammer and all that jazz, but I do not remember. If they had books they could learn so much faster.
There are many more things, and if you would like to know more information about helping supply some needs, let me know.

My last prayer request is for me. I only have a short time left here and I ask for your prayers that I can spend every second wisely as I finish my time. I want the children to not only think of me fondly, but to think of Jesus when they remember me. Also, the woman I am working under is desperately in need of more help. She asked if I would return and stay for 1 year. I told her I would pray about it. I ask that you pray with me. I know my life is meant to change from this trip, but I don't know if it means I am to work from America or if I am the one to fill the need. This is weighing heavy on my mind and heart and I would really appreciate your prayers.

Thank you all for everything! May God continue to bless you as He has blessed me through your prayers.


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